Companies House Search

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Companies House search engine

Companies by county

Hertfordshire ( 33320 )
Greater london ( 11329 )
Norfolk ( 14297 )
Essex ( 70936 )
Surrey ( 48706 )
Denbighshire ( 989 )
Kent ( 55603 )
Gwent ( 1813 )
Devon ( 20195 )
Merseyside ( 15102 )
Staffordshire ( 14696 )
Warwickshire ( 10766 )
Cheshire ( 35393 )
Cumbria ( 6663 )
Leicestershire ( 14415 )
West midlands ( 42482 )
Berkshire ( 19546 )
East sussex ( 20047 )
Hampshire ( 36649 )
West yorkshire ( 29931 )
Worcestershire ( 10122 )
Suffolk ( 17538 )
Buckinghamshire ( 15085 )
Cambridgeshire ( 11298 )
Dorset ( 18863 )
Shropshire ( 9245 )
Lancashire ( 35107 )
West sussex ( 19842 )
Gloucestershire ( 11463 )
Bedfordshire ( 10526 )
Derbyshire ( 12323 )
Cornwall ( 9405 )
North yorkshire ( 11943 )
Wiltshire ( 11344 )
Tyne and wear ( 7039 )
South glamorgan ( 1204 )
Greater manchester ( 10445 )
Lanarkshire ( 4156 )
Northumberland ( 3945 )
Oxfordshire ( 10925 )
Nottinghamshire ( 11004 )
Somerset ( 13025 )
Powys ( 1857 )
Aberdeenshire ( 3344 )
Midlothian ( 2661 )
South yorkshire ( 12528 )
East lothian ( 897 )
Isle of wight ( 2297 )
Dyfed ( 600 )
Fife ( 3416 )
Ayrshire ( 1773 )
Wrexham ( 400 )
Northamptonshire ( 9675 )
Antrim ( 1532 )
Flintshire ( 1488 )
Armagh ( 372 )
Lincolnshire ( 9500 )
Tyrone ( 702 )
Dunbartonshire ( 175 )
Pembrokeshire ( 1349 )
Mid glamorgan ( 1950 )
Angus ( 1684 )
Down ( 1385 )
Carmarthenshire ( 1052 )
Gwynedd ( 1597 )
West lothian ( 1468 )
Monmouthshire ( 960 )
Yorkshire ( 906 )
Fermanagh ( 276 )
Cleveland ( 2410 )
Banffshire ( 65 )
Avon ( 1518 )
Durham ( 2387 )
West glamorgan ( 733 )
Stirlingshire ( 864 )
Sutherland ( 157 )
Renfrewshire ( 1607 )
Clwyd ( 698 )
Dumfriesshire ( 277 )
Selkirkshire ( 101 )
Inverness-shire ( 413 )
Orkney ( 223 )
Perthshire ( 707 )
Moray ( 544 )
Anglesey ( 421 )
Argyll ( 475 )
Glamorgan ( 125 )
Shetland ( 189 )
Caithness ( 247 )
Berwickshire ( 166 )
Roxburghshire ( 290 )
Wigtownshire ( 48 )
Londonderry ( 195 )
East riding ( 56 )
Cumberland ( 6 )
Humberside ( 31 )
Kinross-shire ( 24 )
Nairn ( 7 )